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    Aunt Lillie Bells

    Aunt Lillie Bells

    Some of you out there may wonder how we came up with our company name.  As my sister and I reminisced on our past, and on the present, we thought of the people and the events that shaped our lives.  Like many of you, our family and its history have influenced us so deeply that its roots have taken hold of our lives and allowed us to flourish into our own beings while remaining ever mindful of our beginnings.

    Lezlie and I grew up on a little street in Dallas, but we spent weekends in the country on land our dad helped farm and in the town our mother's dad helped build (literally as he was the town carpenter).  When we returned to the city each week, we had the good fortune to share our neighborhood with our great aunt, Aunt Lillie Bell, or Auntie Bell as we called her.  She was a wonderful woman.  She loved having visitors, and when we arrived, she shared everything with us, from the food she had just cooked to her jewelry box that brimmed with rhinestones, which of course, appealed to us as little girls who loved to dress up!

    Aunt Lillie Bell kept an immaculate house, but nothing was off limits to us.  She shared stories of family as we looked at old photos, and she told of the lives of her friends and family as we looked at her volumes of greeting cards (she kept ALL of the ones people sent her).  On Sunday afternoons we would all pile in the car to drive around, to find new places to explore, often picnicking along the way.  At Christmas she pulled out her fancy crystal punch bowl that brimmed with a lime sherbet punch and served her amazing lemon cooler pie (she never would share that recipe).  Not only did Aunt Lillie Bell keep a great house, she held down a job too!  Auntie Bell worked in the hat department at a store called Tiche's -so she dressed in the latest hat at the time, and she always wore dresses to church on Sunday.

    The memories we share of her embody all we hope that our company encompasses as well- a fashion minded business that not only focuses on looks, but on adventure, on faith, on family, on warmth and on the southern hospitality our great aunt always shared with each and every visitor.

    From our closet to yours,

    Lezlie & Wendy